4th SUNRiSE Meeting « Stem Cells and Cancer »: Call for abstracts

Appel à projets clos

The SUNRiSE network organizes its 4th meeting entitled « Stem Cells and Cancer » in Paris (France) from the 7th to the 9th of June 2022.


Please select the category of your abstract(s) from the list below, bearing in mind that the abstract jury may change it if it is deemed inappropriate.


  1. Tumor heterogeneity and microenvironment
  2. Tumor dissemination
  3. Metabolic plasticity
  4. Tumor heterogeneity and therapeutic resistance
  5. Targeting tumor heterogeneity

Abstract submission deadline: May 2nd, 2022

For information, the evaluation criteria are:
– Interest of the results, innovation, quality of writing, relevance to practice.

Submit an abstract