Webinar: COVID-19 and Cancer Screening

Webinar: COVID-19 and Cancer Screening


6 May 2021, 14:00 CET

What are the consequences of COVID-19 for cancer screening?
– What challenges have been encountered by countries?
– What could be turned into an opportunity, and what lessons have been
Are there common answers to these questions for low-income and high-income
Could the lessons learned help countries to “build back better”?


In addition to the direct burden of the pandemic, how could health systems cope
with the “health-care debt”? This is the increase in demand for health care that is
anticipated when the population currently waiting for the pandemic to be over
before seeking (or accessing) health-care services will finally do so.
The webinar will answer these questions and present perspectives from both
low-income and high-income countries.


Dr Iacopo Baussano, Scientist, Early Detection, Prevention and
Infections Branch (IARC/WHO)

Professor Joakim Dillner, Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology,
Karolinska Institutet and Director of Research and Development,
Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden
Dr Partha Basu, Deputy Head, Early Detection, Prevention, and Infections
Branch (IARC/WHO).